The Social Construction of Love in Theater

A Conceptual, Historical, and Cultural Review




Love, Theatre, Representation


This article explores the complex intersection between love and theater. It reviews the approach to the concept of love in theatrical texts from different periods and cultural contexts, revealing that love is a social construction learned in interaction with others. The article departs from the notion that love is not merely a profound feeling, but a social construct shaped by society and its institutions.

The myth of the dual beings in Plato's Symposium is highlighted as a foundational tale of romantic love, where the search for the other half is presented as a key element. Although this dialogue is not a dramatic text, its mention is pertinent, as it is often replicated in many ways through dramaturgy. Throughout Western history, theater has been a crucial space for the representation and legitimization of diverse conceptions and expressions of love, from Shakespeare's works to Lorca's tragedies. In conclusion, the theatrical texts reviewed in this work highlight the richness and diversity of the treatment of love in the theater over time, showing how this artistic expression reflects and contributes to shaping social and cultural conceptions of love.

Author Biographies

Jesús Gerardo Cervantes Flores, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila

Doctor en Ciencias Sociales por la UAdeC, Profesor Investigador en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación UAdeC, Investigador Estatal Senior del Sistema Estatal de Investigadores de Coahuila

Gerardo Valdez Alejandro, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Director de escena, diseñador de iluminación y docente universitario en la Escuela de Teatro de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UANL


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How to Cite

Cervantes Flores, J. G., & Valdez Alejandro, G. (2024). The Social Construction of Love in Theater: A Conceptual, Historical, and Cultural Review. Dialéctica Escénica, 1(1), 56–69.



Artículos de investigación